Sometimes while we are about to attach the DSC to file the return be it GSTR-3B, GSTR-1, or TRANS-1, the error message “Authentication has failed at emas” is displayed. This error will be resolved by updating the DSC. So let’s understand the resolution for the same.
1. Go to My Profile
2. Click on Register/ Update DSC
3. The Register Digital Signature Certificate page is displayed. In the PAN of Authorized Signatory drop-down list, select the PAN of the authorized Signatory that you want to update.
4. Click the UPDATE
Note: Before you update your DSC at the GST Portal, you need to install the em-Signer utility. The utility can be downloaded from the Register DSC page. DSC registration is PAN-based and only Class 2 and Class 3 DSC are accepted at the GST Portal to apply for Digital Signature Click here.
5. Click the CONTINUE
6. Select the certificate. Click the Sign button.
7. A successful message that “DSC has been successfully updated” is displayed.